The Wolf and the Kid

Once upon a time in a farm, far away, maybe India or Ireland, there was a kid named Little Goat who wanted to be known as the bravest little goat.

 “I will conquer the world!”  he said.

He tried to prove his point to the flock by grazing grass a bit far from the rest to show he is not afraid to wander away.  His tactics paid off when his fellow little kids started to show respect and admiration of him.  Word spread around the flock about this brave little kid.  He was popular. Everyday he started to wander farther and farther until he was warned by the big goats to stop but he was persistent of his goal to be called the bravest.

One afternoon, Little Goat went a little farther from the flock thinking his feat will increase his popularity but he was mistaken.  A big bad wolf named Wolf Around suddenly appeared and without warning, Wolf Around tore Little Goat apart in an agonizing fashion.  The cries of Little Goat was heard all over India or Ireland as he was being ripped and eaten alive.

Moral of the story:  “Shit Happens”

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